Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Normally I do not post about things unrelated to home decorating or renovations but I had to share this.

I've been on a strict 1,200 calorie a day diet since February. It's not the quickest way to lose the weight but I like it because I can pretty much eat what I want. If I want a big mac I can have one...... I just won't be able to eat the rest of the day. Haha.

I haven't had fast food or pizza in months. Most of the time I am ok with that, but then there are times when I just crave a huge slice of pizza. But with pizza containing like 400 calories a slice I've always talked myself out of it. If I'm gonna waste 400 calories I'm going to waste it on vodka, if you know what I mean.

Yesterday I was surfing around on Pinterest and saw this recipe for a cauliflower crust pizza. Yeah, my thoughts exactly. cauliflower. Gross right? But apparently it's the new thing with everyone eating cauliflower mashed potatoes so I thought I'd give it a whirl. Since the calories from pizza come mainly from the crust, using cauliflower drops the calories per slice down to 150 or so!

Last night I decided to make it for dinner. I had my doubts. I definitely raised an eyebrow as I was grating my cauliflower to turn it into a fake crust.

But after baking for 15 minutes, the crust didn't look half bad. I like thin crust pizzas so the fact that it didn't rise didn't bother me. If you don't like thin crust you might have an issue with this. But hey, do you want to eat pizza or not!?

After it baked for 15 minutes, I took it out and added my toppings. I made it just like in the directions below, only I added fresh pepperoni from the grocery store. I then broiled it for about 5 minutes. Voila!

Let me tell you what, it was amazing. Now I don't know if it's just because I haven't had pizza in so long I forgot what it tasted like but you really can't tell that you're eating cauliflower! The only negative is that the crust itself isn't thick so it's kind of flimsy. You probably will end up eating it like I did using a fork. Or rolling it up like a burrito.

But I got to eat pizza and now I'm happy.

I wonder what else you can do with cauliflower?!

Here is the recipe:

As a side point, you can tell I'm a single lady. Tin foil central in my fridge.

- Emily

Sunday, April 15, 2012


It's been awhile since I last posted! I suck at this whole blogging business. I haven't been doing many home repairs over the past few months. I've pretty much run out of space in my 1,000 sq foot condo and because of that I can't go out and buy any new furniture pieces to refurbish because I have no where to put them!

Anywho - I finally pulled the trigger and bought granite countertops. I figure it's about time. For the past 2 years I've been using a "fake countertop" made out of plyboard! I found an excellent granite dealer out of Manassas. Their name is Natural Stones, Inc. They definitely had the best prices in the area. I purchased the Santa Cecilia Light for $30/sq foot. Everything, including the sink, was only $1,400 for my entire kitchen. And they delivered and installed it within 4 days!

Here is a picture of the countertop color. I love it!

Next I had to figure out what kind of backsplash I wanted. I bought a few samples from Lowes and Home Depot and decided I wanted a tumbled marble subway tile and a glass/stone accent strip. I want it to be perfect so it's taking me awhile to lay the tile and cut it. So far this is what I've managed to accomplish.

So to recap the past 2 years..... here are some progress pics!